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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Weekend Update with C$

Weekend Date Update
So JP and I had been playing email tag last week--he wanted to provided a study break for me on Sunday since I'd be writing my final paper for my grad class. When I told him that I just didn't think that I'd be able to spare the time, he suggested bring take out to job #2 so that we could chat but I wouldn't lose much time. I emailed him back, suggesting that he should call me Sunday afternoon to see how busy the store was and if I'd be able to take some time out of my day for him. He did call and we agreed that he'd show up at the store around 5:30-6. Longish story, short, he showed up, it was crazy busy at the store and after telling him a MILLION times to just pick a place near the store where we could go/order take out he finally settled on a Thai place down the street. I closed the store and sent coworker D on her way, and waited for JP to return with food. We ate in the darkened store and talked BS. He walked me to the metro and gave me a kiss Codington.

*side note* while we were eating I got a text message from DCboy. I thought it was from Slut, so I checked it out. JP asked who it was from and I said "my friend..."He sort of asked what the message was about and I elaborated and he seemed uncomfortable. I didn't mention that I had feelings for DCboy, instead played it completely cool. I just said "my friend DCBoy" and left it at that.

Some Observations:
-he's indecisive. NOT good in my book. I hate always having to take the lead, just pick a place and go with it. OR if you don't know where to go, offer at least a suggestion as to what you'd like. When I'm asked, I try to show the same courtesy.
-he doesn't listen to me. He basically talked the entire hour we were together. I know guys aren't programmed to listen but when you are trying to woo someone, you pull out all stops. This is evidenced by this incidence: when I exclaimed "I have a new ipod!!!" he cut me off and said "yeah, that Thai dish was okay, it wasn't amazing, but for the price it was decent..." We had not been talking about the food, in fact it was silent that's why I made my statement. He didn't even mention the fact that he had even heard what I said...
- he's 33. (not sure when his b-day is) I'm all for older men, I've always dated them. I have NOTHING wrong with age, but 10 years is a bit of a jump, realistically. Although we are in similar life stages, i.e. he just moved into his first real apartment (without roommate) and finished with school within the past 2 years. I feel like if I was 27 and he 37 the difference wouldn't be such a big deal, but at 23/33 that's a pretty significant jump, at least in my opinion.
-he doesn't call/email after the date. Maybe he's not into me and that's why, I'm not sure, but then why reply and suggest getting together last week?
-he sort of made a big deal about the paying of the food. When he was about to leave, I offered money for my food. He said no, I said "are you sure?" and then he did this strange hesitation thing where he was trying to figure out how to say 'yes I want money' without coming off as a jerk. He decided that we'd settle up once he got back. He didn't ask for money but I didn't offer either. He's making mad cash as a consultant (he's paying $1200 for basement of a row house, yes a BASEMENT) so I think he can swing the 7 bucks for my Pad Thai.

decision making time:
I think I might try and blow him off. He doesn't make me excited to see him. In fact there is a slight level of annoyance.
But maybe, I should suggest one more date to see where things go. We've done 2 low key things, maybe he needs a chance to show me what he's made of.
I can't imagine doing anything more than kissing him--that can't be a good sign...

I have a HUGE crush on job #2 coworker, Latin Lover (LL). He's adorable and I have such a blast when he's around. We have lots of laughs and seem to enjoy each other's company, but whenever I suggest doing something out of work (i.e. the happy hour I'm hosting this week) he always shoots it down. He says he "has no life" and is very upset at this, however, doesn't want to take me up on any of my offers to hang out, even in a group situation. He was all gungho about hitting Buffalo Billiards a couple of weeks, but when he found out that coworker BoobJob was coming along tried to back out. Since then he hasn't pursued any social gatherings. I have to wonder if he is disappointed in my hanging out with BoobJob or if it is for some other reason...Maybe LL is on to me and my crush...

I working on a post about modern-day feminism. Slut and I have this agrument all the time, about what it means to be a feminist in 2005 (and soon to be 2006!!) She gets very upset with me when I let a man 'take care of things' when I am completely capable of doing it myself. I view this is a modern feminist--I'll take care of myself, but if someone is willing to do it for me, why not? I'm sure y'all are sitting on the edge of your seats wondering what I have to say about the F-word.



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