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Friday, December 09, 2005

I've been spotted!

Well, I thought I could remain under the radar in this blog-world, but I've been found! At least by other DC bloggers who mentioned me (yes me!) on their daily "DC Blogs Noted". Check it out, check it out NOW!

Impressive, eh? Well, nothing like winning a Grammy, but they did have nice stuff to say about me. And they seemed to like my 100 things about C$ post--whodathunk that people on the interent know more about me than my own family and friends.

I wonder if they are on my side or JP's when it comes to making out during Harry Potter. Or if this thing with DCboy is healthy or not.

Maybe more readers will come along and offer C$ their two cents (haha, a funny money joke)

My Boston based best friend, Slut, had a break down last night. She's got lots of issues, like any of us, but for the most part is pretty normal. She was in a FWB relationship up until recently with a guy that she had been dating (he claimed he liked her a lot but didn't want a gf, yeah, whatever). They were a volital couple, almost always fighting, but mostly over the fact that she wanted more of the friends part of the relationship and not just the 'with benefits' part of it.

But anyway, she put up a profile on Yahoo personals and was giving it a try. She started talking to this guy, Dipshit, and things were going well. They really were hitting it off. They planned on getting together soon. When the day came for their appointed 'hanging out, low key date' he tried to back out. He was tired, he didn't have any ideas of what to do, blah blah blah.

They ended up hanging in at her place, playing board games or something along those lines. And making out a little bit. (i later found out that there was more to this making out--3rd base but no home run). Talking to her post-date, she said that she enjoyed her time, he was cool but nothing to really write home about, but that she'd go on date #2 with him.

Fast forward to Thursday. They had planned on getting together last night--no formal plans had been made as to what they'd do but something was going down. When she started talking to him via IM, he tried to get out of it all over again. He was tired, stressed out, blah blah blah. He asked what she wanted to do and she suggested grabbing dinner, typical date stuff. He was broke so that was out and she put the ball back in his court. All he could come up with 'hanging in" when pressed further for what 'hanging in' meant, he wanted to fool around, have sex. Not exactly 2nd date material. He "wanted to get to know her by having sex" and she just wanted to get to know him. And as the conversation continued, it was "let's fool around while you find a boyfriend."

Then she asked the question that broke the camel's, or in this case, Dipshit's back : "Do you ever like to go out or are you more of a hang in type of guy?" His answer-'yes i like to mostly hang in, low key kind of stuff." Her's: "that's cool, i like low key stuff too, but i like going out, grabbing dinner, movies, drinking, playing in the snow kind of stuff." and he replied in so many words: well i guess this isn't going to work then. umm...i didn't know that getting dinner and going to the movies was so high maintanence. Maybe *THATS* why DCboy doesn't like me, we did drinks and a movie--I was just setting myself up for failure with that one.

It all went down hill from there. He called her immature for liking to play in the snow, and being on kickball and dodgeball teams. That she was a tease for going down on him last time but not wanting to fool around (sleeping with him) this time around. She said that she liked to fool around, but wasn't going to sleep with him. He then told her that she had "self pity problems, you like it when people look down on you, oh poor you" (his exact words) [oh, and here's the kicker, as they were parting ways, she said "go take a nap if you're so tired" and he replied "no, i'm going out with a friend." I nearly died laughing]

So instead of reacting in the normal, C$ way, of getting angry and pissed, she had a breakdown. She was balling when I called. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that she's insecure and anyone that makes fun of what she loves to do is just too much for her to handle. When talking to DCboy about it, he thought that she just is a drama queen, but clearly she doesn't like it and wants to be low key, but does have some sort of expectiations when it comes to dating-who's right?

But, point of clarification, this is the third guy that she's dated (in any sense of the word) that, as she put it, "will make out with me in private but not go out with me in public." Why is this?
Is it because most of the guys she's been dating have been online guys and are too 'lazy' to go out to a bar and meet a woman that way. [I think online dating is fine, i'm all for, i've got my profile up and everything, but i've found that the men who have subscriptions are kind of lazy when it comes to dating] I'm all for low key, but grabbing a brew at dive bar isn't, in my mind, anything out of the ordinary.

And where did this dude get the idea that he can just demand sex because he got a little action last time--what ever happened to playing it cool and trying to win over the girl so that she'll sleep with you on the 3rd date? (although, i personally don't really agree to the 3rd date rule, i know that it is out there and do my best to give the guy something (not sex) to come back for the 4th...) I told her to chock it up all to the bad date syndrome and keep moving forward. We all meet crappy people along the way, but how do you keep going when you're so broken down by someone's words? Any words of wisdom for my friend?

On a side note, can I just say how pissed I am that we have to work today. Especially since the boss isn't here--does that make any sense? I hate this place...

But, on a happy note, it's FRIDAY! And I have a "date" with my Republican, Christian, friend G-dawg. DCboy says I'm just setting myself up for failure with him, but G-dawg is my friend even though I have a HUGE crush him. I look forward to spending time with him even though is no hope for us as a couple. It's good to have positive people in your life.

Happy Friday y'all!



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