Is This It?

pink: redefining what it means to be a girl generated by

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Is this healthy for 'us'?

So DCboy and I are "friends" now--meaning we are trying to hook each other up with potential suitors. I went to a conservative Christmas party last night with the mission to give out his number to any conservative hotties with the promise that he would do the same for me if in the same position. Is this healthy? I'm not sure. Or maybe the question should be "are we really just friends?" Because that isn't so clear either--at least on my end it isn't, it might be perfectly clear to him what we are, but since I'm of the female persuasion, nothing is ever that black and white.

I went on a date on Saturday night. It was an extremely last minute thing and the guy met me at the store because we were going to hang out in Cleveland Park (he's new to DC and doesn't really know where to go, so I was lazy and suggested meeting where I already was). We went to Nanny O'Brien's for a drink and he did most of the talking. Now isn't it a complaint of men everywhere that women dominate conversations? Why is it that a majority of the relationships I've been, the men enjoy talking and are often the only ones talking--we're not having a conversation, he's jus talking. I've gone on only one date where it was more of a typical 'first date' and I did more of the talking and that was with DCboy. He'd ask questions, I'd answer and he'd listen.

But, anyway, back to the date. After our drink we walked about CP and I went on and on about the Uptown Movie Theater (the best in DC!) and suggested that he come back to check it out. He said "let's catch a movie" but when he found out they were only showing Harry Potter he seemed reluctant, which I understand and didn't push him further, but then he decided that we should go see it. It wasn't long after the movie started that the arm went around me and we settled in for the movie. He then went in for the kiss and I pretended not to see him, to be so engulfed in the movie, but that didn't stop him and he kept coming back and finally resorting to kissing me on the cheek. I thought it was cute but kept teasing him about "focusing on the movie" and not me, his response was "it's so hard with you sitting there". agh cheese galore. The movie lasted roughly 2 hours and we had our first kiss outside of the movie theater as we were parting ways--I to the metro, he to his car.

So here's the kicker. He was obviously into me (unless I read him wrong) but he hasn't called and it's been 5 days. I emailed him this morning wishing him a stressless move, but nothing. I'm not sure what to think. Was I wrong in trying to focus on the movie? This was our FIRST date, our FIRST time meeting--I had no intention of making out with him and thought that kissing him at the end of the night was completely appropriate. Maybe I was wrong, but really, was there need to make out with him at HARRY POTTER to make him call me? And if that is the case, do I really want to date someone that can't just chill for a few hours? I mean, come now.

Plus, he was soft. Not physically soft, but emotionally. He's a guy that likes to cuddle and I, well, am not. I am selective when it comes to cuddling and only really like it when I initiate it or am in the mood. Watching a movie and cuddling seems nice, but in practice isn't always my thing. It's only with certain people, certain movies and at certain times--what can I say, I'm picky!

Listening to the iPod at work and came across a live Gavin Degraw concert (one that I wasn't at) and wanted to remember these few things. Because frankly, the man is amazing with words.

"I've had options too, but all I want is you"
"I suppose I could hold it in, but you excite my every cell...sources say senses are your friend, and my senses tell me I should tell"
"I like I like you, but you like this whole room-you **sexy** machine"

Update, just received an email from Saturday Date (further known as JP)

Hi C$
Thank you. That's so sweet of you to say. :-) I don't remember if I told you, but I have movers scheduled to come Friday, although I still won't know exactly what time they're coming until this afternoon. My mother insists on coming to visit me Saturday, so I have most of my weekend occupied by the move except possibly for Sunday. I know you have school keeping you busy, but if you're in the mood for a study break, give me a call or send me an email.
Hope to talk to you soon, JP

What kind of study break is he thinking of? BTW this guy is the laziest guy I know, well at least, in regards to moving. He's had someone else do every aspect of his move. I wouldn't be surprised if he hires unpackers to do the work for him. He obviously wasn't too busy to email me right away, and yet the ball is in my court. I have to call to hang out. Is he staying back because he knows I'm busy until Monday the 12th or is he holding back because he's not interested?

I think that's all.


At 10:42 PM, Blogger kob said...

Good writing.

At 11:33 AM, Blogger C$ said...

Thanks! and thanks for the shout out on DCblogs.:)


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