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Friday, September 02, 2005

the end of summer as we know it...

SO the end of summer is this weekend, and I'm not sure how I feel about the whole thing. Since I have limited friends here in DC, my summer has been pretty blah (and by pretty blah, i mean BLAH) i haven't gone to the beach or done any crazy roadtrippin--it's been pretty pathetic. I went to Boston for a long weekend, but that's it. I have no plans for this weekend because I suck and will be spending this glorious weekend sleeping and working at job #2. What's wrong with me? why am i such a loser? who the F* knows. I certainitly don't have any clue.

my friend is pissing me off. she's preparing for year 2 of teaching, so i wish her the best of luck, but she's stupid. she litearlly waited until the last minute to get things done. and now she's off for a family thing this weekend before the first day of school. i personally think it was stupid to go to Chicago when when you "have so much crap left to do" yet she still went. she knew about this trip and knew what she needed to get done for school so why, pratel did she wait until NOW to finish it all? i'm not saying i would have done anythign different, i probably would have gone to Chi-town as well, but i WOULD have done more during her summer break. and she's thankful for a 'break' this weekend- WTF was the last 3 months?

btw how can you watch DMB's "Everyday" video (the hugging ugly guy) and not get a little happy? it's too cute. I love that video and song. just seing that big gly dude walking around NYV giving hugs out just brnigs a smile to my face :) thank god for that video otherwise i think i'd still be down today. oh how i do enjoy the DMB :) but now i'm watching stay and i love that song and video (makes me think of summer) but it wasshot in the dirty south and now the dirty south is just dirty.... :(

time to go, i've been working on this post since i got in this morning. pathetic.



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