Is This It?

pink: redefining what it means to be a girl generated by

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Maybe I’m not like Mr. Cruise, but rather a 20 year frat guy

Really I am.

One might say, “C$ you are nothing like a 20 year frat guy. You’ve already graduated from college and are well past the age of 20. You have a real job. You have a real apartment, including furniture, matching sheets, framed art and matching bathroom towels. You do your own laundry. You volunteer and shape the minds of youngsters. You have renters insurance and pay all (ok, most ) of your bills on time. You are the picture of young adulthood.”

I, however, beg to differ. And below are 10 reasons why I am more like a frat guy than a 24 year old female young professional with goals, ambition and a future:

1. I binge drink (ok, a lot of 24 years are guilty of this, but almost every night of the week…?)
2. I oogle the opposite sex like it’s my job (on the metro, on the street, at work, in my neighborhood, you get the idea)
3. I have profiles on Myspace and Facebook (and mock those that don’t. Wanna be my friend? email me)
4. I’d much rather go to a sporting event than anything else (my google calendar already has the 2006-07 Caps home games listed; my birthday plans were changed because of World Cup finals)
5. I drink. A. Lot. (In fact, it’s been a while in which I’ve gone to something that doesn’t involve drinking. My friends and I planned a alcohol "diet": we allowed ourselves to drink twice Sun -Thurs and once Fri-Sat. It lasted for about as long as any other fad diet)
6. I’m really good friends with 3 others girls, others have called us a clique, I like to think of us as our own frat. (We don’t call ourselves the Clique, someone else called us that. But it was me who created the facebook group…)
7. Favorite bands: Dave Matthews Band, O.A.R., Virigina Coalition (all white frat boy “jam” music)
8. I have music posters on my walls (ok, they are framed, but still, signed music posters as decorations)
9. Just like frats have formal dances, I attend events that require some sort of outfit/costume under the guise of supporting said event, when in fact, it’s just a reason to get all gussied up and drink. In high heels.
10. I have pictures of sports teams in my cube at work
(including but not limited to Matt Leinart, several (6) Washington Capitals, Chris Dyment and Mike Pandolfo (former BU hockey players) and the DC United schedule magnet.)

So there ya have it. What do you think I am?


At 2:01 PM, Blogger I-66 said...

Oh you'll get this in e-mail anyway...

Myspace me.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger recovering overachiever said...

I say I'm like a 20-year-old frat guy too. Too many of your 10 reasons apply to me as well.
But what's so wrong with that?

At 1:01 AM, Blogger MSU gal said...

There's a little frat guy in everybody...who's honest.

At 8:02 AM, Blogger C$ said...

66- expect an email soon, my work computer is acting up and I haven't been able to log on to myspace yet...

RO-nothing is wrong with it at all! :) In fact, it's reassuring. The world my change. People change. But I can always rely on my frat guy tendencies to keep me grounded

MSU- I agree. it's just a matter of coming to terms with it that some can't handle :)

At 8:18 AM, Blogger I-66 said...

er.. the email address you have for me is not connected to my myspace account.


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