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Friday, June 23, 2006

Friday Rants

I commute to work on the Metro much like thousands of people every day. Each day I am amazed at people, what they wear, what they are reading, their quirks and habits that I catch during our short time together.

However, I am most amazed at how mean I become. I become judgmental. I give people the "once over" and stare them down. I roll my eyes behind peoples' back as they exit and are off to start their day.

But it's all in good fun. Or at least in my head it's fun....

Here are some of my thoughts from yesterday's commute home:

Do you realize how stupid you look?

Hey, have you noticed that we're underground. Yeah, those sunglasses ain't going to be helping you down here, rendering those "cool" sunglasses completely pointless and serving no purpose but making you look like an ass.

Look, we all know having an iPod is the
in thing (I have one too), but do you really need to be waving around for all to see or holding it so gingerly in the palm of your hand? You seriously look like an idiot.

You can wear
that to work?

Get out of my god damn way!

Cool trendy things should be reserved for those who are actually cool and trendy. In this cause, the clothes do not make the man. If you have to ask "am I cool enough to wear this?" then probably, you aren't. Please save me the hassle of mocking you and just stick with the basics.

Pulled up gym socks. Why? Are your legs really that cold in this 90 degree heat?

Why must you, when there are numerous seats available on this train find a reason to sit next to me in all of your sweaty glory.

Deodorant. Please?

Just cause you can wear it [it's offered in your size, it looks cute on your friend or a model, etc] does not mean YOU should wear it.

To the rest of you-what are your thoughts while commuting? Tell me I'm not the only one who starts her day off judging.offical uniform of judgers everywhere


At 10:18 AM, Blogger I-66 said...

If I had a dollar for every time I've wanted to scream "STAND RIGHT, WALK LEFT" on a metro escalator, I'd have like, $200.

And I hate metro.

At 11:09 AM, Blogger C$ said...

YES how could i have forgotten that one.

also, something along the lines of "let's all stand in front of the door/around that one tall pole. NOT"

i HATE that too


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