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Monday, May 22, 2006

Victory et al

In case y'all care, in the case of C$ vs. Metro the winner is C$

Turns out that Metro didn't do the math and cover their tracks. Once the questions started being asked they backed down and "reinvestigated the usage" of several bus lines including mine, the M2. I got everyone and anyone involved in the campaign, including my neighbors, council members, ANC representatives, Metro's Rider's Advisory Council. It was awesome and I'm happy to see hard work come out with a positive result.

However, I'm moving so my hard work won't benefit me, BUT it will benefit the neighborhood so I guess I should look at it that way (?).

I may have stumbled along something just perfect in regards to my housing situation. It required a resume and cover letter which have been sent off and I'm just keeping every finger crossed until I hear back from the powers that be. I've got everyone praying for, sending me good thoughts, whatever they choose, but all good thoughts are accepted and appreciated.

If all works out I'd be calling this home:
Ok, the metro wouldn't be home (but how convenient would THAT be?) but this would be my new stop. I think red is a wonderful color on C$, what about y'all?

This weekend something happened. Something I thought would never ever happen as long as the sky is blue. Something I never thought I'd volunteer for, rather would only happen if forced upon. Well, it looks like the sky was orange on Saturday night:

Ladies and gents, I am no longer a tequila virgin. I'm not sure how it all happened. I also said I'd never try it--all the stories I've heard effectively scared me to stay away at all costs. However, for some reason on Saturday I decided it'd be a good thing to try (and why not?!)

I was first tempted with the drink at Rhino bar, but effectively got away from it by taking a SoCo and lime shot instead. But then the Guards happened....And the tequila was ordered, salt was licked and the shot glass emptied...

And, I am happy to report, no sickness. In fact, I believe I might have found my new "get drunk quick" drink that'll replace Jaeger (oh you've been such a great friend J).

All & all it was a good weekend. Including a visit from B (mentioned in Friday's post), driving a sweeeeet car, lots of laundry, cleaning and a pan of lasagna. Could it be any better?



At 1:29 PM, Blogger I-66 said...

Yes! Stick it to the metro! Vindication is mine! I mean, yours!

I view tequila as the spawn of satan, but only because Jaeger is satan himself. I feel like I'm going to vomit right now...

At 8:41 PM, Blogger C$ said...

Then I must be the devil, re-incarnate in the body of a 23 year old woman or something. I love me some Jaeger and tequila. it's alllllll good :)

At 8:15 AM, Blogger I-66 said...

So evil are those drinks...


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