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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Plan

"I have something to ask you, it might sound weird, but just hear me out," Jane said on Saturday as I was walking around Columbia Heights and headed up to RFK to see the Nats.

"Sure, what is it?"

"What would you think if I said that I'm going to give up drinking for the entire month of June?"
Thoughts racing through my head, what do I say to that? If she really wants to do it, why not, but I hope she doesn't expect me to say I'll do the same? Do I make fun of her? Or support her? What? And this is what stumbled out of my mouth:

"What about Sally's birthday?" (in 2 weekends)

"Oh, you're right, that's a stupid idea."

So after much discussion, Sally, Jane and I have officially agreed to cut back on the liquor for the month. We are allowed to drink one night Mon-Thursday (no limit once drinking has started, just limiting the act of drinking) and we can either drink Friday or Saturday. These rules come with exceptions and we can allow ourselves to drink more if need be, but the goal is to drink only 2 times a week, 3 for a special occasion. We'll see how this all works out.

"But C$, why would you do this to yourself? You enjoy drinking, know your limit. Why oh why?"
Well, the answer is simple (and basically came from Jane). Whenever we go out we always drink and often times we drink a lot. We went out last week for a "drink" which turned into 5 beers. Can't seem to stop once we start, I guess. Also, it's getting mad expensive. I can't afford to keep it up anymore! Moving is expensive and if all works out I'd like to have real movers come and do it all for me, but that's mad $$ and if I'm drinking every freakin night there is NO way I'd be able to afford movers to move all of my crap into a new place (or hopefully a storage unit!)


Ruth and I went to see Virginia Coalition on Saturday at Birchmere in Alexandria. I love me some VACO and LOVE the fact that Ruth is now into them too. All of the guys looked fabulous and I wanted to go home with each of them, but refrained (I've got some self control here!) A lovely time was had by all and I am proud to announce that Ruth and I are officially part of the band and will be releasing out live CD this fall. Sept 8 and 9 at the 9:30 Club. More details to follow once available.

But until then, I will leave you with this picture of my #1 man Paul. I never knew playing piano/keyboard and bongos could be so FREAKIN' hot.
I can't even control my thoughts about this man. Must. Self. Censor. NOW.


At 2:05 PM, Blogger I-66 said...

So I'll be picking up the drinking slack for you?

At 5:11 PM, Blogger C$ said...

Sure! I think everyone should be drunk 90% of the time.

But, I have a feeling this won't last very long so your duties might be taken away come mid-June.

At 8:34 AM, Blogger I-66 said...

I think I drank enough for the both of us this past weekend.


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