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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Desperately Seeking....

tickets to Saturday's last Washington Caps home game vs. the Buffalo Sabres.

Silly me, I waited to see if others wanted to come and in the meantime lost out on purchasing tickets for the 3 others that actually responded to my email. PEOPLE if someone says "let me know if you wanna come" please please respond, even if it's a NO.

Anyway, I'm looking for 4 seats...could be broken up 2 and 2...for anything cheaper than what is on ($42 for $10 tickets). My friends and I have gone to 15+ games this season and can't believe we might not make it to the last game of the season. There might have been a few tears shed last night when our fate was realized.

Any suggestions welcome, DC Bloggers in the know. Leave a comment or email (theboublog [at]] with ideas, ticket offers, well wishes.



At 4:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

check out ticketsnow - cheap and you can insure them


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